Thursday, April 16, 2009

He'd have to be able to perceive the world beyond the tip of his penis...

Today was the completely unnecessary DNA test which was requested by The Donor/Douche Bag in order to further post-pone the obligatory child support payments in which soon enough he will be paying. He knows he is the father, I know he is the father, unless of course I created Jack during a midnight sleep walking/dream combo with the neighbor next door and have absolutely no recollection. The second option would be much more preferred at this point in time.
3 hours at the Court House equals not such good times for a 1 year old. Although, I must say he did absolutely fabulous during the cheek swabbing process. Could be that the man in the white coat hummed while doing said swab or could just be that my son enjoys having a q-tip rubbed on the insides of his cheeks, either way- It was pleasant.

And then suddenly the trip became rather unpleasant when faced with the $22.00 parking fee I had to fork out. Is it really necessary to charge that much JUST TO PARK?! Should I have given them a kidney as well? I’d like to add that right onto the list of back payments of child support for the last year. Since the DNA test was his big idea to begin with I feel he should pay all the fees, including the fee for the delicious and satisfying burger I had for lunch. A girls got to eat, I can’t just go offer up my DNA without first being fed…A Burger…With ALLOT of Garlic… It’s too bad I didn’t have the opportunity to sit near him; as much as I despise him I would have loved the opportunity to breathe heavily in his direction after ingesting as much garlic as I did.

Results will be in in 2-3 weeks.

Got home to see that Jack had painted a picture of the donor in his diaper. Not only did it look just like him but smelled like him too!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I created this blog about a month ago and it is only now that I have found the right moment to sit and blog. Not that it is a simple moment by any means, seeing as how as I type this Jack is reaching for the keyboard and the mouse simultaneously trying to grab just one or both if possible. As I move the keyboard closer and closer to the edge of my desk away from his go go gadget fingers I misspell about 45 words trying to keep it from dropping to the floor. In the mean time such little fingers are grabbing and poking and pushing at the mouse so much so that I have all sorts of different things popping up on my screen while Just...Trying...To...Write...A...Post. Ah, Motherhood. Single, Motherhood at that.

He is now entertaining himself by checking out his appearance in the mirror. I watch out of the corner of my eye to see him making different faces at himself. So cute I just can't help but to look at him doing this. Until of course, He sees me seeing him and then what does he do you ask? Right back to our game of cat and mouse...Or in this case, Keyboard and mouse.

For most, the perfect time to blog would probably be during the hours in which the little ones are in dream land. In my case not such a perfect time seeing as how my computer is located in the same room his crib is, typing on this not-so-silent keyboard would wake a snoring bear so surely will wake sleeping little ones. So, the time I do have to write is times as these when he is awake, and just as interested in the computer as I. Perhaps, one day when I have my own place I can put my computer in another room. Either that or one day have the funds for a laptop. One, or both will do just fine.

I will end by saying this, I am absolutely in love with being a Mom. Jack is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me and although this motherhood thing leaves me less then little time and space to do things such as type a blog without having my keyboard practically ripped off my desk by little tiny fingers, It is still the best thing in the world.